Brand: Tartufi Tentazioni
Eccezionale seasoning for black tartufo based on extra virgin olive oil from the Italian brand Tentazioni Tarufo. The tartufo is a fungo that grows and matures twenty centimeters below the ground, where it comes to light, learns, noccioli and querce, and in natural environments and soprattutto umidi. The tartufo is a very popular product in the kitchen. Per crescere, the tartufo has discovered the specific plant that is friendly with the quali instaura un rapporto stretto e speciale, una symbiosis che, thanks to the change of spore between the plant and the tartufo, allows the sviluppo of the precious tubero. With the tartufo if you prepare delicious sauce, olive oil and other delicious products. We present the full range of products to the Italian Tartufo Tartufi Tentazioni. This Italian brand was born from a giovane azienda that lavora ogni giorno per essere always aggiornata, sinza dimenticare le proprie radici. At its beginning, Tartufi Tentazioni is born from the dedication, energy and impegno nel compiere la missione della sua grande passione, il tartufo. Tra boschi di querce, lecci e noccioli, alle pendici dei monti Catria e Nerone, en Italia, nascono y loro tartufi. The ricerca del tartufo in countryside is absolutely fascinating. It is a process that requires perseverance, passion and so much technique. The raccolta del tartufo always comes with the help of cani addestrati, which will not recognize with precision dove if you find this great treasure that the land gives. This Gourmet brand of tartufo products was born in Acqualagna, in the heart of the Italian Appennine. Circondato gives a maestoso landscape, its terrain and its climate costituiscono the ideal habitat to favor the crescita del tartufo, present in this area and fun of the secali famous in all the world. Scopri i loro incredibili prodotti! Li adorerai!