The handle of my frying pan is removed. Will it be broken? Noooo! And why do I want a frying pan with removable handle? Well, from the start it may seem like something without too much importance, but sometimes it is precisely these small details that make the difference. All Castey handles can be removed. There are many reasons to use pans with removable handles and here are some:
1. The pans with removable handles take up almost no space and will fit any wardrobe. Castey does everything possible to help you take advantage of the space in your kitchen.
2. If you disassemble the handle of your pans you can clean them by hand more comfortably. Although most pans can be cleaned in the dishwasher, it is always recommended to wash them with hot water, soap and a soft sponge. Since the handle is disassembled, the pan is practically like a plate and cleans in no time.
3. If you separate the handle you will save space in the dishwasher and you can clean more things at once
4. You can put your pan in the oven! The main reason that prevents most pans from being used in the oven is precisely the handle, which is made of a material that does not withstand such high temperatures. Detachable handles solve this problem very well and make cooking in the oven very easy and practical.
5. And you can also remove the pan from the oven without using mitts. Placing the handle in the pan is very easy and fast, or at least it is with the system we use at Castey. With our system the handle is perfectly fixed: it does not move and it never loosens.
6. A frying pan with a detachable handle quickly turns into a saucepan. Actually the only difference between a frying pan and a saucepan is the mango. So if we remove it, in a moment we turn our pan into a fantastic saucepan.
7. You can even turn your pan into a cake pan. There is nothing more non-stick than a good coated frying pan and in this way we can get even more out of it.
8. If you use pans with removable handles you can cook everything in the same place and you will mess less. And it is that the pans with removable handles are extremely practical and truly multifunctional kitchen utensils. If we get used to using our removable frying pan as a saucepan or even as a cake pan we will save a lot of time when cooking our recipes. And not only that, but also that we will dirty much less and we will have much more time to dedicate to all those other things that we like so much. Because if we put together all the above advantages we realize that we don't really need lots of cooking utensils.
In Gourmet Area you will find the entire assortment of Castey and Fundix Detachable Mango Pans. We recommend them for their quality and the many advantages it offers. Find the entire assortment on our Online Sales Website. Always at the best price!
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