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Empty wine stopper - set of 3 - vacuvin

Brand: Vacuvin

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Vacuvin wine stoppers are designed to be used in conjunction with the Vacuvin vacuum pump. The wine conservator system is used to reseal an already opened bottle, taking the air out of it, giving the opportunity to preserve the wine longer. The emptiness can be released with a simple movement, which means you can enjoy a glass of wine whenever you want. Using different colors of Corks, you can easily separate the different wines, which is particularly useful for wine tasting. Vacuvin corks can also be used to temporarily cover the bottles during meals or parties, just by pressing the corks on the bottle to seal them tightly.


More information
Maximum quality vacuvin Excellent presentation Leading brand for wine lovers in Europe

Comments (2)

| 11/05/2020 | Verified purchase
Empty wine stopper - set of 3 - vacuvin

cumplen su cometido , buena relación calidad precio .

| 13/01/2019
Empty wine stopper - set of 3 - vacuvin

Muy útiles para conservar el vino. Si te gusta probar más de uno antes de acabar una botella Sobretodo.

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