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Glacé Brown Cream Posada Galicia Tin 250 grs

Brand: Posada

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The Galician gastronomic brand Posada produces the best products Marrón Glacé and Marrón Glacé on the market. This Galician march selects the finest castagne and, dopo an'attenta sbucciatura and undergoes a delicate and laborious process that culminates with a natural glassa alla vaniglia, realizza y deliziosi marron glacé, bonbon glacé. Dalle migliori castagne, e dopo un rigoroso produttivo processo, si ottengono castagne sciroppate, crema di marron glacé, castagne cotte al naturale e purea di castagne, perfette complemento accompagnamento per arricchire and your piatti. From Galizia to your home in one click! The Gourmet Biscotti March of Posada de Chestnuts has been around for 50 years. José Posada, with more than 50 years of experience, is a pioneer in the transformation of the Galician castagne into the product of the oggi tip, the famous brown glaze. Now that your products have arrived in the kitchen and on their tables of 25 paesi in the world, from Brazil to Giappone. This is one of the countries that prepared the castagne and brown glaze POSADA, from 1968. The accurate selection of the finest fruits, its delicate preparation, the use of no preservatives or colors, and the expectation of 50 years of work, fanno yes che I Posada products are unique and exclusive, with quality worthy of the most precious and exquisite palates in the world.


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250 grs. Gourmet product from Galicia

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