Brand: Botularium
I saw the range of high-quality products from the Gourmet Botularium brand. I knew it was spuntino perfetto per tutti. Tasty and healthy, with vitamins, potassium, magnesium and omega-3 grass acids. Botularium has a wide range, in 2 formats (mini and maxi) with multiple preparations: Mandorle, Anacardi, Arachidi, Mais, Semi, Pistacchi, Cocktail. fritto, salato, piccante, barbecue, with cioccolato, honey, etc. Select the best ingredients for your gourmet antipasti. Botularium is an area that produces the best Gourmet products of the best quality. Prodotti mediterranei. And the ricette più tradizionali di una vita. Made with the finest ingredients, of the highest quality. To the Botularium no si accontentano say little. Therefore, select the best ingredients and cook for yourself: cream, sauce, nocciole, marmellate, piatti soon. Discover the vast range of Gourmet products in our online business!