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Smoked Flavored Extra Virgin Olive Oil 250 ml Oleo Almanzora

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Condimento all'Olio Extravergine di Oliva Aromatizzato di altissima qualità, del marchio gourmet Oleo Almanzora. The affumicato oil is perfectly abbina with meat, fish, vegetables, riso, pizze and sauce (comes with aioli and maionese); used raw. If you distinguish between the meat (costolette di capretto, petto di pollo, prosciutto cotto, controfiletto); In the fish (salmon, merluzzo, nasello, spigola), sia alla griglia che alla griglia. There is also rice with escalivada, with asparagi and funghi to taste barbecue. Oleoalmanzora is an extra virgin olive oil mine from Pulpi, in Almería. This azienda presents its range of Extravergini de Oliva di Altissima qualità. Scopri the range of different olive oil varieties, Arbequina variety and Koroneiki, all the oil pearls and delicious aromatized olive oils (lemon, aglio, rosmarino, black tartufo, affumicato and peperoncino). This 100 ml oil format is the perfect gift for any event, wedding or celebration.


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Extra Virgin Olive Oil of the highest quality, made in Almería.

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