Brand: The Capsoul
We present the Tè più alla moda. The Gourmet organic matcha tea from the Capsoul brand is a variety of Gourmet quality matcha tea. Matcha tea has a chiaro green color, an intense acidity note and a very powerful aroma. Come the great property you have. Scopri the high quality of this 100% organic Gourmet Matcha tea. Matcha tea is a variety of macinated green tea with the consistency of borotalcum. The tea foglie is cultivated in a particular way to prepare this type of foglie. If you distinguish per essere a very healthy, saziante and energizing drink, which helps you lose weight. It is used in most diet. To prepare it, put a small amount of matcha tea in a saucepan, about 1 or 2 grams, and pour in hot water, set to 80º/90º C, and mix it with a bamboo spazzola, just like that. Add a little bit of the drink in liquid form, without crumbling it with a little bit of schiuma on the surface. This is when we see that our matcha tea is soon consumed. This is why you are distinguished by its numerous properties that benefit health. After all, it appears to be anti-oxidant, other purifying essences, so note its dimagranti property, in fact it comes used in a variety of dimagranti diets.