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Chocolate white coating bag 500 grs

Brand: Simon Coll

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Drop Coats are versatile and easy to use. They melt quickly, and can be used directly (for example inside cookies or muffins). Simon Coll drops are medium size and oven safe


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Format 500 grams

Comments (7)

| 02/06/2023 | Verified purchase
Chocolate white coating bag 500 grs

Muy bueno

| 26/11/2022 | Verified purchase
Chocolate white coating bag 500 grs

Es un cholate estupendo para repostería o lo que se quiera. Lo he comprado varias veces. Todo perfecto, si hay en stok

| 04/05/2021 | Verified purchase
Chocolate white coating bag 500 grs

Un chocolate excelente.

| 26/02/2021 | Verified purchase
Chocolate white coating bag 500 grs

El chocolate 70 % cacao para mi gusto excelente, lo hago servir para hacer bombones y aguanta muy bien el relleno. Alguna vez lo he hecho servir para galletas y están muy buenas yo le doy un 10.

| 21/01/2021 | Verified purchase
Chocolate white coating bag 500 grs

Calidad de una buena cobertura de chocolate blanco, facil de derretir y bueno para cualquier receta

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| 31/10/2020 | Verified purchase
Chocolate white coating bag 500 grs

El envío llegó muy rápido y el producto está muy bien. Todo muy profesional. Gracias

Store response | 01/11/2020

Gracias Dani por tu comentario!

| 31/10/2020 | Verified purchase
Chocolate white coating bag 500 grs

Muy bueno y rico, me gusta.

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The opinions and ratings of the products are mostly made by registered customers who have purchased the product. These reviews appear with a "verified purchase" mark. In any other case this mark does not appear. The rating of the product, out of 5 stars, is obtained with the average of all published reviews of the product. To ensure that the information is useful to other customers, comments and ratings, whether positive or negative, they are published after prior validation.

Questions (1)


Hola teneis pepitas de chocolate blanco libre de leche. Geacias

Store response | 19/08/2020

hola, todos los productos de chocolate blanco llevan leche, un saludo

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