Brand: Botularium
Tasty and comforting vegetable cream from the gourmet brand Botularium. The vegetable cream is a healthy meal that is part of traditional gastronomy. Forniscono minerali and vitamine, reinforcing our diffese. These premium quality vegetable creams are not prepared with the best ingredients, they are a healthy and tasty food that everyone loves. Our range is composed of Crema di Verdure, Crema di Zucca e Carote e Crema di Zucchine. Botularium is an area that produces the best Gourmet products of the best quality. Prodotti mediterranei. And the ricette più tradizionali di una vita. Made with the finest ingredients, of the highest quality. To the Botularium no si accontentano say little. Therefore, select the best ingredients and cook for yourself: cream, sauce, nocciole, marmellate, piatti soon. Discover the vast range of Gourmet products in our online business!