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Truffled nougat with sour cherries in virginias liqueur 200 gr gluten-free

Offer: £3.74
PVP: £4.12
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Virginias nougats and chocolates have been synonymous with tradition, traditional recipes and excellent quality since 1932. Each product is carefully prepared with selected ingredients following its own production process that ensures its unique flavor. Enjoy our classics and turn each bite into an unforgettable experience with this Nougat truffled with cherries in Virginias liqueur 200g, Gluten-free. No palm oil.


More information
Ingredients: Sugar, sour cherries in liquor (18%), (cherries, sugar, fructose, dextrose, maltose, liquor (5%), preservatives (E-202, sodium metabisulfite), acidulant (E-330), coloring (E- 127)), cocoa butter, milk powder, humectants (sorbitol, glycerin), liquor (6%), cocoa paste, emulsifiers (soy lecithin, E-471), preservative (E-202), aroma. Format: Cardboard box ideal for a gift. Gourmet product made with selected high quality ingredients

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Comments (4)

| 09/12/2024 | Verified purchase
Truffled nougat with sour cherries in virginias liqueur 200 gr gluten-free

muy rico llevo muchos años gastándole

| 15/03/2024 | Verified purchase
Truffled nougat with sour cherries in virginias liqueur 200 gr gluten-free

Uno de mis favoritos, junto con el anterior. Mi madre los compraba siempre y yo no los he encontrado estos últimos años. Ha sido una suerte encontrar esta página!

| 17/02/2024 | Verified purchase
Truffled nougat with sour cherries in virginias liqueur 200 gr gluten-free

El mejor chocolate con licor con diferencia.Lo recomiendo 100%.

| 15/12/2023 | Verified purchase
Truffled nougat with sour cherries in virginias liqueur 200 gr gluten-free

El turrón que he comprado me parece buenísimo pero no lo encuentro en ninguna tienda en Terrassa Haver si me podéis decir donde lo venden porque así lo consumiría todo el año no solo en Navidad

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