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Whole Mushrooms 314ml Botularium

Brand: Botularium

Offer: £3.16
PVP: £3.74
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I funghi sono selezionati per eccellenza. I saw the vast range of high-quality Gourmet Funghi from the Botularium market. Il suo profumo e il suo intense flavor give a special touch to qualsiasi piatto. Abbiamo Shiitake, Nameko, funghi interi, funghi cultivati ​​naturally e l'assortimento di funghi naturali in anfora e botte. Noi di Botularium we impegniamo to create a range that maintains the maximum il suo sapore preserved and that offers a high quality product. Soon you will serve or cook in stufati, pasta, riso. Botularium is an area that produces the best Gourmet products of the best quality. Prodotti mediterranei. And the ricette più tradizionali di una vita. Made with the finest ingredients, of the highest quality. To the Botularium no si accontentano say little. Therefore, select the best ingredients and cook for yourself: cream, sauce, nocciole, marmellate, piatti soon. Discover the vast range of Gourmet products in our online business!


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