Brand: Botularium
We present this vast range of Gourmet Vegetable Conserve of the best quality. Asparagi della Navarra, selected by the best races of the country. We eat green asparagi, bianchi asparagi, germogli and our sweet tooth: asparagi and germogli with Denominazione di Origine Protetta Navarra. A prelibatezza that does not last indifferenti. Sono squisiti! Botularium is an area that produces the best Gourmet products of the best quality. Prodotti mediterranei. And the ricette più tradizionali di una vita. Made with the finest ingredients, of the highest quality. To the Botularium no si accontentano say little. Therefore, select the best ingredients and cook for yourself: cream, sauce, nocciole, marmellate, piatti soon. Discover the vast range of Gourmet products in our online business!